
Microsoft word running header except first page
Microsoft word running header except first page

microsoft word running header except first page

I changed the following MWE to use the new package scrlayer-scrpage (only the call of the package has to be changed) instead of the old version scrpage2 (I only commented the call). You can then type a different text for the header or footer for the first page if you like. This will remove the page number on the first page in Word. Click Different First Page in Options section. The package scrpage2 has now changed to scrlayer-scrpage with more possibilites. Alternatively, you can also click Insert -> Header or Footer -> Edit Header or Editor Footer to open Header & Footer Tools. Meanwhile KOMA-Script has changed and was updated.

microsoft word running header except first page

If you are using the classical document classes, for example book, you can use fancyhdr or scrpage2. Click on the Insert tab at the top of the screen. In the Header and Footer Toolbar, select the option Different First Page.

microsoft word running header except first page

Select the header of page one by double clicking in the space above the cursor. Insert your (abbreviated) paper title in capital letters. Select the Blank template (left-aligned without additional formatting). of your paper should be the title page. Setting up the APA running head in Word and Google Docs To set up an APA running head in Word: Click on Insert > Header (or double click at the top of a page). If you are using KOMA-Script, for example scrbook, you should use the KOMA-Script package scrpage2. Other versions of Microsoft Word may require different or additional steps. Document class memoir has its own header and footer mechanismn. If you are using document class memoir you please have a look to the question simple footers with only a page number. It depends which document class you are using.

Microsoft word running header except first page